Refashionista Rants: Ageism on my 48th bday

Happy 48th Birthday To Me!

Discover what happened when I dared to become a “woman of a certain age” and celebrate my 48th birthday with me + stick around for a special message from one of my fave celebs too!

Let me know your thoughts on ageism + check out the videos & links mentioned below:

Take a peek at how I updated a frumpy vintage top with my oldie but goodie tutorial!

I shared some pretty heavy life experiences in my 46th bday vid so it has a trigger warning for toxic family, abuse & sexual assault. 

My 47th bday vid was all about how I managed to live & work abroad for over 20 years!

Get your own personalized bday song here, my fave short but awesomely effective workouts are here & you can visit Thorgy Thor’ s site here!

Give yourself the gift of sustainable eco fashion and pick up a few of my groovy Confessions of a Refashionista e-books!


  1. Darcey says:

    Great perspective and video, Sheri. As an almost 54-year old, I totally agree. I just feel better and stronger every year. This realization that aging is a strength, not a failing hit me when I divorced at 40 and I discovered I still had huge potential for growth – physically, mentally, and professionally! I started practicing yoga at 43 (from a 65+ year old instructor!) It has been awesome for my mind AND body. It took turning 50 before I really didn’t care about what other people think. I work in education and see ageism to a lesser extent than I see it in other industries. But it still exists. I have found myself reaching into high-level volunteer activities where I know my experience and knowledge can be useful. If anyone is looking for a truly valuable volunteer opportunity, consider being an advocate (Guardian Ad Litem/Court Appointed Special Advocate) for children in foster care. Giving ourselves grace and loving ourselves is such a gift. Keep up the great work!

    1. It is so unfortunate that from childhood we are bombarded with messages telling us that aging is something to be feared and it takes actually reaching “certain ages” to realize just how ridiculous those societal beliefs & pressures truly are. Volunteering your talents & experience is definitely a fantastic way to share knowledge and help younger generations learn & grow to be healthy, happy, open minded adults 🥰

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