Anyone who was an artsy teen in the 80s will have watched Pretty in Pink too many times to count. Losing myself in those relatable characters and that amazing fashion definitely helped me survive the rough parts of being a weirdo in school.
Grab the preloved outfit details and tutorials behind this #ThriftyThursday Copycat: 80s Molly Ringwald and put together your own retro style for Halloween!
I am so digging the scarf-as-hatband look!
Vintage Hat (had for years) $0 – Floral Scarf (gift) $0 – Retro 80’s Blazer (inherited) $0 – Satin Top (thrifted & refashioned) $1 – White Blouse (had for years) $0 – Bracelets & Brooches (had for years) $0
Total outfit cost: $1
Create your own shiny satin top from a vintage nightie with my easy video tute:
Got a celeb outfit you’d like to me copy?
Let me know in a comment below + leave a link to the outfit photo too!
Snag loads of thrifty inspiration (+ join up & share your love of second hand) over on my Gone Thrifting facebook group!
Pssst! My awesome e-courses are right over here!
Transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my groovy CoaR tutorial collections right here: