#ThriftyThursday Copycat: Me

I’d recently been suffering through an awful bout of stomach flu that had me camped out in the bathroom and device free for days. While the break from life online is welcome, I wish it …

#ThriftyThursday Copycat: Jameela Jamil

I want to be Jameela Jamil when I grow up:  From her unwavering body positive activism to her awesome acting talents and zero f*cks given attitude, Jameela is one of the few celebs I …

Thrifty Celeb Copycat: Taryn Manning

The final season of Orange is the New Black was a fantastic and oh-so-bittersweet completion for an absolutely phenomenal series.  While there were quite a few unlikable characters on the show, Tiffany “Pennsatucky” Doggett …

#ThriftyThursday Copycat: Jessica Jones

 Have you binged the complete series of Jessica Jones yet? Brilliantly portrayed by Krysten Ritter, Jessica is the ultra strong, fabulously feminist, brutally honest superhero we all need in our lives: Grab the preloved …

Upcycled Ruffled Blouse Refashion

Did you love my latest Drew Barrymore designer outfit copycat look? It’s a snap to create your own preloved version of that awesome $1800 blouse for pennies: Transform a plain button down with my Upcycled …

#ThriftyThursday Copycat: Drew Barrymore (again)

Drew Barrymore & I definitely share a similar style which is why I’ve already featured her looks using bits I already had in my closet here, here and here. When I spotted this fabulously bright …