Have you joined my groovy Gone Thrifting group yet? Gone Thrifting is the place to spread the second hand love, share projects, ideas, thrifty style inspiration + swap fab ecofashion too! Check out my Gone …

Have you joined my groovy Gone Thrifting group yet? Gone Thrifting is the place to spread the second hand love, share projects, ideas, thrifty style inspiration + swap fab ecofashion too! Check out my Gone …
Samantha Bee is a fearless treasure and Full Frontal is total awesomesauce! I’m often compared to Samantha Bee and perhaps it’s because we’re both 40+, blonde, Canadian expats who honestly share our views and …
Anne Hathaway is fabulous on screen and seems to be an absolute delight in real life too! My kiddo and I love to cozy up together and have a Princess Diaries & Ella Enchanted …
Growing older is nothing to fear, especially with these six absolutely fabulously inspirational role models sharing their wisdom about ageing, style and everything in between: Learn from these six extraordinary older women in this fab …
Fall has finally arrived bringing with it a bone chilling breeze that somehow manages to sneak through every piece of clothing I layer on in an effort to stay warm. I’m thinking the brisk wind will gradually transform into an absolutely …
As I’d already worn my only animal-patterned garment for last year’s call of the wild Thrifty Thursday I figured I go in a slightly different direction and share the single item in my wardrobe actually …
When putting together outfits to share for Thrifty Thursday I usually need look no further than the fab collection of second hand, DIY’d eco-fashion that fills my wardrobe however this Silk or Satin Loveliness theme had …
Isn’t it peculiar to look through your wardrobe and realize you’ve had some of those groovy garments for a decade or longer (& even more astonishing when they actually still fit)? Such was the case when I …
Even though the nautical trend seems to come back every summer I’ve never quite jumped aboard the preppy “ahoy there” look…for me, fashion inspired by the open water means a flannel lumberjack shirt, cutoffs & sneakers …
laid-back (lād′băk′) adj. Informal: relaxed in style, character, or behaviour; easy-going and unhurried Laid back style isn’t limited to jeans & T’s…looking fab & feeling comfy while chilling out is a snap when you layer a few fun pieces: …