Citrus wonders if this troll has any creativity at all: Find all of my Troll Time episodes here then enroll in my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my groovy CoaR tutorial …

Citrus wonders if this troll has any creativity at all: Find all of my Troll Time episodes here then enroll in my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my groovy CoaR tutorial …
Esther let’s this troll know just how wrong they are: Find all of my Troll Time episodes here then enroll in my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my …
Guy is pretty sure that this troll isn’t familiar with the meaning of “helping”. Check out the 20 year trend cycle here! Find all of my Troll Time episodes here then enroll in my E-courses …
My hair & make up artiste Francoise is very confused by this troll’s bizarre comment: This is what I did on my 50th birthday: Check out (some) of my epic vintage dress collection in my …
Nancy loves her Barbie and can’t believe how uninformed this troll is: Find all of my Troll Time episodes here!
Esther introduces us to her Barbie & finds the comment from this troll downright silly: Find all of my Troll Time episodes here!
Chantal (& her Barbie) let this troll know exactly what’s what: Find out how I really lived & worked abroad for over 20 years below: and just a few of the reasons why …
This troll thinks I’m embarrassing so Guy explains why I’m actually cool: Find all of my Troll Time episodes here!
Citrus can’t understand why trolls need to troll the most on fb: Find all of my Troll Time episodes here!
Barbie Frau Inge explains some important things to this troll: Find all of my Troll Time episodes here!