The Patchwork Rainy Day Cap

We’ve been having one of the grossest summers ever. That has been our daily view at noon. 30°C + thunder storms = hot, humid, muggy ew = frizzy, huge hair for me – blech The …

The Jolly (DIY) Jumpsuit

Create your own Salute to the King with mommy’s outgrown (sniff, sob, fracking babyweight) button-up dress & a couple snips & stitches – your munchkin will be rockin’ & rollin’ in under 30 minutes!

Trousers to skirt refashion tutorial

With a pair of old trousers, some clever cuts & stitches you can make your own cuffed skirt in minutes! Trousers to skirt refashion tutorial:

The last last minute gift – instant DIY sweater Bracelets

As Heiligabend (Christmas eve) is the big-gift-giving-stuff-your-face day in Germany my last minute gift making time has been shortened by a full 24 hours! eek! Enter the last lastseriouslyabsolutelast minute handmaderecycledrefashioned gift: Cuffs & bracelets …

Monster Camouflage – an easy logo covering refashion

Here’s another groovy trick to cover up those pesky prints on kid’s clothes: Monster Camouflage – an easy logo covering refashion This funky technique works on just about anything! I like Barbapapa & enjoyed his hilarious …

The Cropped Blazer DIY (+ bonus skirt tutorial)

I have no idea why but this crazily long blazer seems to have followed me to every country I’ve lived in: Seriously, what was I thinking? Were these ever in style? Why would I continue …

The DIY (upcycled) Toy Nanny

Here’s a super simple idea to keep your little one’s toys from escaping! The Toy Nanny keeps toys safe & clean. Attach one end to the car seat, stroller, baby carrier, shopping cart or high …