Thrift Flip: How To Make a Wrap Dress Bigger

Watch how quick and easy it truly is to make those tight wrap style garments bigger with my simple tutorial:  Take a peek at what else I thrifted along with that fab dress right …

Easy DIY Babydoll Dress

Argh! The top I ordered online is waaay too short! – watch how I upsize it into an adorable baby doll dress with help from a vintage tablecloth:  Discover how I gather fabric with …

Thrift Flip: Upsize a jumpsuit & make it 2 sizes bigger!

Make that tight jumpsuit 2 sizes bigger with my easy upsizing tutorial!  Want more upcycling tutorials and sustainable style ideas?  Take a peek at my fab Refashioning mini courses & more right here! Yay! My …

Troll Time Episode 12: “Not Professional!!”

New staff member Chantal responds to someone who is offended that I’m self-taught:  Find all of my Troll Time episodes here then check out my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with …

Upcycle a blanket into a trumpet sleeve top

Grab that crocheted blanket lurking at the back of your linen closet & refashion it into an adorable trumpet sleeved top with my simple tutorial:  Check out my easy granny square sweater too: Check …

3 for 1 – How to make a dress smaller

Akk! The dress I bought online arrived and it is way too big! Check out how I transformed it into 3(!) fab items that fit me perfectly:  Grab all of the links mentioned here …

How To Embellish with Lace & Doilies

Tired of wearing those boring trousers & lounge pants? Fancy them up with a few vintage bits from your stash with my super simple tutorial:  Take a peek at my seasonal wardrobe switch too: …