Refashion Dresses into Stylish Tops & Shorts Sets

Transform old dresses into trendy tops and shorts sets with this easy DIY refashioning tutorial! In this video, I’ll show you step-by-step how to upcycle your wardrobe and create unique, fashionable outfits from dresses you …

How To Make Inseam Pockets

I have no idea why I was so afraid to try adding inseam pockets for so long because I managed to figure it out and it was SO EASY:  Here’s a simple way to …

How To Make An Easy Upcycled Patchwork Sweater Dress

Find out how I refashioned 2 sweaters headed for the donation bin into an absolutely amazing patchwork dress that is now a winter wardrobe fave!  Pssst! My awesome e-courses are right over here! Transform your …

How to Upcycle Shirts to Make a Patchwork Dress

Upcycle that pile of button down shirts into an adorable patchwork dress with a panel circle skirt!  Raid your closets and sift through your stash to whip up my no sew yarn wig + DIY …

Thrift Flip: Nearly instant DIY dress

Transform a too short top & a frumpy skirt into a delightful dress with my super quick & easy tutorial!  Take a peek at my fab Refashioning 101 e-course right here! Transform your entire …

2 for 1 No Waste Dress Refashion

Transform that frumpy frock at the back of your closet into 2 fab dresses with my quick & easy tutorial! Grab my 2 for 1 No Waste Dress Refashion below + discover how to make …

The Upcycled Creepy Doll Costume

My kiddo has definitely graduated from wanting to transform into cute characters for Halloween to wishing for a more scarifying look – I’m not quite ready to create a bloody, gross-out outfit for her yet …

How to make a dress bigger without sewing

Scoring fab preloved garments is a fab way of updating your wardrobe but what about those items that are a bit too snug at the back of your closet? Grab a too tight frock (or …