Here my lovelies, is where I share my adventurous life in Deutschland with helpful tips, how-to’s and the occasionally hilarious happenings of my life in Germany:
Berlin: The 21st most liveable city…?
Canadian to German driving license in just 4 steps?
Finding a home in (Berlin) Germany
How to (not) get married in Germany
Self employment visa -or- how to become legal in Germany
Hi you! I have nominated you for the LIEBSTER AWARD. I know you probably don’t fullfill the rule( less than 200 follwers) but what the hell are rules…
It’s just to say – your blog is really cool °-°
Vielen Lieben Dank für die schönen Komplimente!
Seeing these pics makes me realise how much I miss my beloved Berlin right now! Give her some hugs from me
Love your blog!!x
Willkommen Charlie! Ha ha! Du vermisst Berlin und ich London! Ich werde dort wahrscheinlich im nächsten Jahr zurückkehren. Wir müssen uns dann unbedingt treffen!