I love old wooden furniture and am a professional online classifieds lurker. I’ve scored some amazing deals: my ginormous early 1900’s wardrobe & matching vanity (€80), the gorgeous rocking chair that helped send my munchkin …

I love old wooden furniture and am a professional online classifieds lurker. I’ve scored some amazing deals: my ginormous early 1900’s wardrobe & matching vanity (€80), the gorgeous rocking chair that helped send my munchkin …
…and just what is a Krimskrams Korb? Why, it’s the place to store your *Krims & Krams of course! *Bits n’ Bobs in German Here’s how to make your own with objects that are lurking …
Hooray! We finally figured out a funky (& useful) way to fill the weird empty space above our stove.
This stained, chipped & just plain grotty commode was the first piece of furniture the dude bought –used, for a scant 5 Deutschmarks– when he flew the family nest 20 years ago. It’s lived in university …
Can you guess what my clever little brain made these diaper box beauties for?
Guests are arriving in just over a week for their first ever European Holiday so I’ve been creating (& buying) a load of welcome-to-Berlin-I-haven’t-seen-you-in-ages gifts to lavish upon them. While wrapping everything up nice & …
It’s a shame to simply break down and recycle those sturdy diaper boxes so I’ve come up with (another) useful idea to upcycle them into dandy drawers! Our little cherub had a plain, boring shelf …
Yay! My wonderful Anne of Green Gables book arrived from England! Boo! This is what it looked like when opened: I contacted the seller & they sent me a shiny new copy lickety split! Hmmm…what …
Since our little stinker now fits into size 3 diapers we’ve finally been able to buy them in bulk cartons of 92 & 100 (instead of trying to cart home 4 separate packages of 28 …
Honestly now, how many dogs would let their owners not only MAKE them funky leisure pants, complete with a groovy white belt but actually WEAR said pants AND – as an additional bonus – the …