Aerie Swim Review & Try-On (size large)

Trying to find the perfect swimsuit is an adventure in frustration that can absolutely mess with your self esteem. Sizes that vary greatly from brand to brand, styles that are impossible to put on, fitting …

DIY Dollar Store Bikini Wax At Home

Since returning to Canada after over 20 years abroad I’ve noticed a strange phenomenon that seems to cause women over 40 to become nearly invisible in the media and disappear completely from beauty product advertisements …

My Top Menstrual Cup Tips

As I’ve been an incredibly satisfied diva cup user for nearly a year I thought I’d share a few of my top menstrual cup tips for those who may still be on the fence about …

DIY Hand Cream – A Soothing Salve for Dry Skin

The plunging temperatures and bitter winds of winter are wreaking havoc on my sensitive skin leaving it thirsting for hydration and protection. Unfortunately the products found in-store are either chock full of chemicals or organic …

4 fab reasons to switch back to bar soap

I clearly remember falling for the slick advertising and beautifying promises of liquid body wash in the late 80s and am embarrassed to admit that I continued using those colourful bottles of over-perfumed chemicals for …