Online Marketing Tips with Expert Stefan Dimov

Marketing and social media go hand in hand and compliment each other beautifully when done right but with all of the work involved in creating and publishing content to your channel, website & blog it …

Thrift Flip: The 2 for 1 Refashion

Let’s chat about the first step in refashioning: seeing potential in those preloved items! I also have a fab 2 for 1 tutorial for you too! Create a statement necklace & a bell sleeved top …

Working at a Thrift Shop

My gone thrifting group is full of awesome preloved style divas who have helped me create a community where we spread the sustainable lifestyle love as well as share projects, ideas, thrifty style and upcycling …

A Sustainable Lifestyle Chat with Happily Unpopular

Join me in welcoming my first podcast guest, Sunny from the eco-channel Happily Unpopular! We’re diving into why we love secondhand shopping, eating (mostly) vegan + a bunch of sustainable lifestyle tips too!  Watch …

Working Online: Time vs Money

I’ve been sharing my creativity, tutorials & love of sustainable style online for awhile now and have definitely learned loads about the ins & outs of creating content for an online audience. As I often …

Scrappy Upcycled Monsters

Not sure what to do with your project leftovers? Create a bunch of upcycled DIY scrappy monsters with my step by step tutorial!  Grab all of the DIYs & links mentioned below: 1. DIY …