How Eco is your hair routine?

Reusing, upcycling and refashioning are all fabulous methods to create a more sustainable lifestyle but there are loads of other quick and easy ways to add some eco to your daily habits too!

Check out my sustainable hair care tips and tricks and add a bit of eco to your lovely locks!

Reuse your towels before washing: Don’t launder your towels after every use. Fewer laundry loads = a (more) eco-friendly routine. I switch out our bath towels at the end of each week after cleaning the bathroom and on laundry day also use cold water, a simple laundry bar + my natural DIY fabric softener for each load too!

Shampoo Less: I had short hair for decades and washed it everyday to remove styling products before drying it and adding them all over again. It was a completely ridiculous, totally unnecessary and hair damaging habit that was encouraged by my stylist and, of course, advertisements and media.

Once I started growing out my hair I realized just how silly my water and product wasting routine truly was and have now streamlined it down to a once per week wash & condition with a dry shampoo root touch up between washings. If your hair is on the oily side try washing twice per week and use a dry shampoo when needed.

Heat style less: Just as fewer washings uses less water, cutting down on hair styling tools uses less electricity. Choose a tool made from recycled materials with a low wattage for a reduced carbon footprint and lower power consumption.

If you can, trim at home: I’ve been trimming my own locks for quite a few years and have perfected a method that’s quick, easy, eco-friendly and best of all, free!

– Not travelling to the salon and trimming at home means you add nothing to your carbon footprint.

– No water is used or wasted by dry trimming your hair at home.

– Many of the products used in hair salons contain a variety of toxic chemicals and detergents that are harmful to the environment and water ways. Trimming and styling yourself means using only the products with ingredients you’re comfortable with.

– Most hair salons simply toss those swept up piles of chopped tresses in the garbage but as human hair is a rich source of nitrogen it can simply be added to a compost pile or bin. Alternatively bits of hair can be combined with plant soil, uncomposted hair assists poor quality soils by slowly releasing nutrients and nitrogen into them.

Trying to live sustainably can be quite a challenge in a throwaway society so I’ve put together a collection of my absolute fave tips, tricks and tutorials that make it easy to change those wasteful beauty & bath habits and get started on your eco-lifestyle!

Loads of people lowering their waste through simple lifestyle changes is a lot more helpful to the planet than just a few people going zero waste.

This fab book contains everything you need to begin creating less waste (& save money) without compromising your beauty routine.

The Eco-Friendly Beauty & Bath e-book includes:

4 Upcycled Storage Ideas

6 Fabulous Face Tutorials

7 Bodacious Body DIYs

3 Healthy Hair Recipes

+ Dozens of eco-friendly tips and low waste beauty hacks that anyone can add to their regular routines today!

Please carefully read the terms and conditions regarding CoaR e-book sales.

Check out all of my low waste lifestyle posts here + ethical fashion articles here then check out my Confessions of a Refashionista e-book series for less than a latte!

Simply download & get started creating your own, unique, ethical, DIY eco-style!

CoaR DIY ebook collection

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