What do you do when you spot a fabulous yet ridiculously priced designer item you’d love to add to your wardrobe?
Recreate it in exactly your own taste & style for free using items from your stash, of course!
Check out how I whipped up my denim bow jacket refashion from bits I already had around the house!
The inspiration for my funky DIY was this $4800 Gucci jacket – I loved the idea but wasn’t a fan of the size of the bow.
This incredibly plain, faux leather jacket that I scored at a swap was perfect for this project!
I measured the approximate length I wanted my bow to be.
Then snagged a pair of jeans from my stash and chopped off the legs. (this instantly created a pair of comfy cut-offs for the summer too!)
I chopped the denim into 2 equal pieces using my approximate measurements.
Then sliced the bottom ends at a neat angle.
To quickly fray the denim I simply tossed the pieces in with my next load of laundry then chopped off the excess threads.
If needed, you can tidy up the frayed edges by gently picking out the uneven denim threads with a pin.
Once I was happy with my frays I looped and knotted the top ends of the denim strips.
Pinned each half of my denim bow in place on the jacket.
Then carefully hand sewed them on with small, secure stitches.
I am thrilled with the result!
A relatively simple, scrapbusting embellishment that definitely livened up this boring jacket!
Reusing what you already have in your closet, shopping preloved and refashioning are a marvelous start to a wardrobe full of truly sustainable fashion that reflects your own unique style!

Once again, I like your version better. The original looks cute when the jacket is closed, but there’s a photo of Hilary Duff with it partially open. Doesn’t work for me.
Cheers! I definitely like the size of my bow better than the original. I spotted that Hilary Duff outfit in an episode of Younger & did some internet sleuthing to find the jacket
My version of the entire look will be appearing in an upcoming thrifty celeb copycat post!