Who doesn’t love the fabulous music, husky voice & unique style of Stevie Nicks?
Although I wasn’t born when her amazing career first began I do have fond memories of bopping to Fleetwood Mac tunes as a tot and became a firm fan of her solo albums in my teens.
Haven’t we all felt like Stevie Nicks in this photo?
Check out the preloved outfit info, refashion tutorials + take a peek behind the scenes of this #ThriftyThursday Copycat: 70’s Stevie Nicks then join my Gone Thrifting group to share your own ecofashion & be sure to let me know who you’d like me to copycat next too!
Blouse (swapped & refashioned) $0 – Scarves (swapped) $0 – Maxiskirt (free market) $0 – Vintage Jewellery (inherited & swapped) $0 – Refashionista Attitude (had for years)
Total outfit cost: $0
How awesome was my hair for this copycat shoot?

Here’s a peek behind the scenes for those curious about just how long it takes to create & share my celeb copycat looks:
– Moving furniture, gathering supplies & setting up my studio area takes about 1 hour (depending on the original photo)
– Getting myself ready (hair, make-up, outfit) takes about an hour & a half
– Shooting the actual photos (with tripod & camera timer) takes about an hour
– Selecting & editing the best photos takes 2.5+ hours
– Creating & writing the celeb copycat blog post takes about an hour
– Publishing the post online & across my social media takes about an hour.
= approximately 8 hours of unpaid work
(Researching a celeb look & sourcing/creating the outfit ingredients adds anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to the time above.)
Check out my other refashioned Stevie Nicks look here:
What’s your favourite Stevie Nicks song?
Got a celeb outfit you’d like to me copy?
Let me know in a comment below + leave a link to the outfit photo too!
Snag loads of thrifty inspiration (+ join up & share your love of second hand) over on my Gone Thrifting facebook group!
Want to transform your entire wardrobe for pennies? Grab all of my groovy CoaR tutorial collections right here:
I like your take on the gypsy vibe a little better than Stevie’s, I think. You make it look effortless, so I was surprised to learn how much effort there was behind the scenes. Unpaid effort. I don’t understand how so many mediocre bloggers are monetizing their sites when you’ve been giving us outstanding content for years.
99.9% of what you see on my sites, channel & social media is unpaid and took hours of work. Sadly the only way to be compensated for my work is to be seen by the masses online, the only way to be seen on the large scale needed is to be shared and unfortunately the bulk of my readers/viewers simply refuse to take the few seconds needed to share my work. The time it takes to read & enjoy my articles, tutorials & videos vs the amount of unpaid time & work that went into creating it are very different.
My personal creation times are as follows:
A post that takes 30 seconds to read took 3 – 7 hours to create.
A post that takes 1 – 2 minutes to read actually took 8+ hours to create.
Confessions of a Refashionista videos, indepth tutorials & research articles can take days or even weeks of work.
I am offered unpaid work everyday by multi-billion dollar international companies but the offers are quickly removed once I send over my very reasonable rates, the frustrating fact is that too many online creators work for free (or for a product) and therefore brands think that we all should. A bottle of free shampoo in exchange for 8+ hours of work will not pay my rent or feed my kiddo.