Although there are initiatives in Myanmar to improve working conditions, wages are among the lowest in the world.
But just what is an average garment worker wage?
Meet Thet Thet Zon, she has been working as a sewing operator for two years, 6 days per week, 11 hours a day. She earns 125 dollars per month. What do you think she has left after very basic living expenses?
Let’s find out:
Why is it so easy for consumers to turn a blind eye and continue supporting the unethical brands behind unlivable garment worker wages? Sound off in the comments below.
Disclaimer: I am not at all an expert on the big business of fast fashion however I am a concerned consumer who has chosen to learn & share as much as I can through my own personal experiences & the wealth of resources available online.
Discover my response to the devil’s advocate of unethical fast fashion.
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