I adore a good pattern mix and also have a fondness for bright colours and bold prints so finding a way to successfully combine them all into a single thrifted outfit makes me a very happy sustainable stylista!

Find out the info behind my perfectly pattern mixed ensemble below + join my Gone Thrifting group to take part in November’s Refashion Challenge:
Knit slouchy hat (inherited) €0 – Faux Leather Jacket (thrifted online) €1 – Scarf (had for years) €0 – Crocheted Fingerless Gloves (handmade gift) €0 – Shortie Jumpsuit (thrifted online) €1 – Tights (had for years) €0 – Chunky Heeled Boots (had for years) €0
Total cost: €2
and an autumn outfit post is not complete without the obligatory leaf-throwing-pic: