I’ve had a curious query bouncing around my brain for quite some but have been unsure of how exactly to approach it with you my lovelies, but then I thought why not just be direct?
I get it, in this fast paced internet society even something as quick & easy as clicking a mouse or tapping a screen can feel like it takes too much time but the reality is, it doesn’t and the resulting visibility, success & opportunities that a blogger can receive from a multitude of positive shares is something that readers should want for the person who works so hard behind the scenes for free, amiright?
Not sure how to share your fave posts with your own online circles? Here’s a handy guide:
Step 1: Simply decide which of your social media platforms you’d like to use to share each groovy blog post then click the handy dandy Share icon(s) conveniently located at the bottom of each of the posts.
Step 2: Add a message to the sharing pop-up if desired then click “share link” (or “tweet” or “pin”, etc…)
That’s it my dears! A crazy easy process that only takes a few seconds to complete and can really increase the visibility, readership and opportunities for your fave bloggers which means they’ll not only be able to continue providing you with fabulous free content but perhaps even take their talents to the next level and have the ability to create a better life than the one they’re currently living…
Unfortunately, the majority of bloggers can’t afford to employ a fancy schmancy PR company and must also do their own marketing in addition to all of the other jobs involved in creating an inspiring blog – ’tis truly exhausting my lovelies.
You may not believe that the simple act of sharing your fave posts on social media has much of an impact…
but if you think about how quickly a cold can be passed around your office imagine how quickly shares & likes can grow online if people are passing their fave posts around social media.
So give your fave bloggers a hand with their marketing, share your fave posts and have your online circles pass them on too. It costs nothing, only takes a few seconds and can provide some much needed help along that bumpy, uphill road to blogging success.
Stay tuned for more of my backstage of blogging series and feel free to request a behind-the-scenes topic that you’d like to learn more about in the comments below.
I’m so glad you said this. I don’t tweet or Facebook or any of those, but I do Pin! Hurray, I can Pin!
Get pinning! The more my posts get shared the higher the chance my work will be seen by the “right” people who can help me get my career on the right track!
I don’t share my thoughts because they are alotta…ohhh I can someday do that or I so wanna be able to do that someday or as if I could find THAT to fit my bod. orrrr for reals that outfit would fly around here (actually that last one is not so much an issue for me!)
Thanks for sharing your amusing thoughts Mary
…but…the post is about sharing the links and blog posts of your fave bloggers to your own social media (facebook, twitter, pinterest, tumblr, google+, etc…) Sharing posts with your online circles really does go a long way to helping to increase the visibility, fans and subscribers to your favourite blogs which in turn improves the possibility of being seen by (or shared to) the people who can provide opportunities that can take a blogger to the next level in their career