Long ago in the faraway time of the 80’s I was a latchkey kid who spent too many after school hours parked in front of the TV. One of my absolute fave shows to do homework in front of was that fabulous British import: Dr. Who.
I got my daily dose of interdimensional sci-fi from the fourth Doctor (portrayed by Tom Baker) and thus salute that most favourite of after school programs with a Thrifty Copycat:
Just a couple of kooky Doctors and few evil Daleks!
(and an awesome Halloween costume idea!)
Vintage Umbrella (inherited) €0 – Hat (thrifted & refashioned) €1 – Scarf (handmade gift) €0 – Cord Coat (thrifted) €3 – Blouse (thrifted & refashioned) €0 – Trousers (had for years) €0 – Vintage Suede Loafers (had for years) €0
Total copycat outfit cost: €4
Pssst! My awesome e-courses are right over here!
Transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my groovy CoaR tutorial collections right here:
I LOVE that doctor. And in high school I crocheted the scarf and went as that Doctor for Halloween. I had so many compliments on that scarf. Somebody actually offered me enough money that I sold it!
Awesome! DIY halloween costumes are the absolute best (& even better when it results in a handmade sale!
I love it! I remember Tom Baker as the Dr. Who (gosh, have I just revealed my age?)
Yep, Tom Baker is the only Dr. Who for me…funny how characters so stick with you from childhood