The second leg of our doily journey takes us into (mini) table runner land – a place of rectangular shaped crocheted pretties that are superb for quick embellishments:
Hop on in & let’s begin The Delightful Doily: part two!
Grab a long, rectangular doily a.k.a: a mini table runner (mine is the remaining salvageable half of what happens when a vintage doily meets a German Christmas Pyramid)
and a rather awful never-worn top pulled from the back of your closet
trim your table runner into shape and, beginning at the sleeve seam, pin straight across the chest of your shirt
if you’re a stickler for straightness measure from each shoulder seam to the top of the doily & make sure the numbers match up – if not, just eyeball it like I do…
head over to your machine & sew it all together (I use a small zigzag stitch & sew all the way around the edge of the doily twice as well as once across the middle for extra strength)
an awesome (& quick) result!
Don’t forget to visit parts one & three of my delightful doily mini-series!
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