I always spot funktastic bags and purses during my preloved gear hunting trips and usually end up bringing them home regardless of the condition they’re in – my vintage bag collection is getting a wee bit out of hand.
That fab bit of 80’s nostalgia is my latest vintage bag to receive a much needed makeover! Grab my simple retro bag fix & DIY strap tutorial and see what I did!
That bag had really seen better days.
And the strap was hard, twisted plastic, yuk!
Luckily that uncomfortable strap was a snap to remove.
To create a fancy new (& oh-so-comfortable) strap I grabbed a broken woven belt from my stash and removed the buckle.
Handstitched a clip to each end of the belt.
Then simply clipped the new strap to the existing rings in the bag.
That damaged area on the front of the bag definitely needed some camouflage!
I had the absolute perfect patch in my stash, hooray!
(more proof that those silly not-your-style items in your stash just might be the ideal addition to a future project!)
A fabulously fast fix and a comfy new strap, yay!
Discover my upcycled accessory DIYs here, check out all of my E-courses right over here and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my groovy CoaR tutorial E-book collections right here: