I’ve been receiving a huge variety of comments, messages and e-mails on my (un)ethical fashion posts and as loads of the less than complimentary responses contain the same basic theme I thought it might be wise to tackle it …

I’ve been receiving a huge variety of comments, messages and e-mails on my (un)ethical fashion posts and as loads of the less than complimentary responses contain the same basic theme I thought it might be wise to tackle it …
You wouldn’t agree to work 7 days a week for $38 a month so why do you continue supporting the fast fashion companies and brands that force their employees to accept a payment far below …
Fashion Revolution (the organization that dares you to ask yourself “Who made my clothes?“) created a fantastic social experiment. Watch the video below and have a think about the people behind that fast fashion bargain the next time you’re …
John Oliver is freaking brilliant. Disclaimer: I am not at all an expert on the big business of fast fashion however I am a concerned consumer who has chosen to learn & share as much …
I was once like millions of other bargain hunters. A thrift & charity shop lover who was also on the lookout for the best deals at the mall. Proudly snagging that fast fashion dress on sale for …