The DIY Upcycled Scarfigan & my new channel!

That’s right my lovelies, I am now the proud producer of my very own series of diy refashionista webisodes! In addition to my regular crafty blog posts I’ll be sharing my adventures in upcycling with …

A MODified Vintage Dress Refashion

I took this €1 vintage sack-of-a-dress: and transformed it into A MODified Vintage Dress Refashion: I simply re-visited my Obi-Wan Kenobi dress tute & adapted it for the amount of fabric I had by shortening the …

The easy upcycled necktie phone case

I’m a vintage necktie hoarder, but not just the ties, I’ve also amassed quite a collection of necktie ends from my compulsive wristlet making. Thankfully I’ve figured out yet another use for those leftover bits of retro excellence: …

a lil’ vintage glitz: a thrifty dress refashion

What’s better than unearthing a fantastic vintage find in the thrift store? How about discovering a heap o’ classic treasures while helping Great Auntie clean out her storage room and getting to take it all …

The Delightful Doily: part three

The final chapter of my little doily manual deals with those fancy oblong bits of tatting that once displayed Oma’s ceramic statuette collection: Onto The Delightful Doily: part three how-to:

The Delightful Doily: part two

The second leg of our doily journey takes us into (mini) table runner land – a place of rectangular shaped crocheted pretties that are superb for quick embellishments: Hop on in & let’s begin The …

The Delightful Doily: part one

Lovely lacy doilies are an integral part of any Refashionista’s arsenal. However, one must not simply stitch a doily to a shirt (or anything else) & pronounce it ready-to-wear as all you have then is …

a Refashionista wastes nothing: the diy pant leg bag

Anyone who’s ever reconstructed a garment knows the importance of hoarding stockpiling squirreling away neatly storing the excess bits & pieces for possible future use – even if those around you think you’re completely nuts …