Cleaning Tips for #ThriftyThursday

Discovering preloved decor treasures while thrifting always gives me a thrill! Unfortunately those blast from the past beauties usually aren’t in the greatest condition, fortunately I have more than few clever cleaning tips for #ThriftyThursday …

How to clean glass decor

Hands up if you’ve ever left a lovely bit of vintage glass decor behind at the charity shop because it was in less than sparkling condition. The next time you spy a pretty yet grimy …

How to wash tights and hosiery

Tights are totally my jam and over the years I’ve amassed (and DIY’d) quite a collection of terrific tights. I’ve managed to keep them all in tip top condition with a bit of gentle laundering and …

My Top Tips for Cleaning Thrifted Plastic

Thrifting awesome plastic gear without damage or faded colours can be quite a challenge but when you do discover a fabulous piece of plastic history it’s absolutely worth snapping up and adding to your collection. …