A bit of patience & a steady hand are all that are needed to transform gaudy to groovy: Wanna see what this bit awesomeness started out as?
Confessions of a Refashionista: Life on the ZigZag
Hooray! My fancy schmancy revamped Confessions of a Refashionista: Life on the Zig Zag e-book is now available worldwide! Contains over 50 projects with easy to follow tutorials & full colour step by step photos …
Personalized DIY Bleach Printed Pants
As we’re now definitely into chilly, rainy fall I’ve been digging through the box of bought-at-the-end-of-last-winter-super-sales-to-hopefully-fit-this-year munchkin gear & am discovering more than a few fantastic deals that I’d forgotten about. Unfortunately, it’s becoming all …
2 very easy DIY necklace refashions
Two never-worn blasé necklaces combined with a touch of refashionista magic equals a couple of brilliant bijou stunners: a super sized egg-y nest a mellifluous blue beauty Here’s what I did:
thrilled to the gills & a squeee!
My glorious skirt, created by the ludicrously talented Lisa of Cucicucicoo, has arrived, bringing with it much joy & a brilliant surprise gift for my munchkin: How funkilicously fabulous is that?! Words cannot express how …
The Refashioned Boho Baby Tunic
a what-was-I-thinking vest + a bit of hand stitching = a funky new munchkin tunic! here’s how to effortlessly make your own in about 15 minutes…
(itsy) Bitsy Books: DIY upcycled mini book pendants
Our local charity shop has a take-it-or-it-goes-in-the-rubbish box just inside the front door. I usually avoid digging through it because if the charity shop thinks something belongs in the bin, it probably does. However, on …
The Patchwork Rainy Day Cap
We’ve been having one of the grossest summers ever. That has been our daily view at noon. 30°C + thunder storms = hot, humid, muggy ew = frizzy, huge hair for me – blech The …
The Jolly (DIY) Jumpsuit
Create your own Salute to the King with mommy’s outgrown (sniff, sob, fracking babyweight) button-up dress & a couple snips & stitches – your munchkin will be rockin’ & rollin’ in under 30 minutes!
Trousers to skirt refashion tutorial
With a pair of old trousers, some clever cuts & stitches you can make your own cuffed skirt in minutes! Trousers to skirt refashion tutorial: