Akk! The belt loops on my fave pair of jeans gave up & ripped! Luckily I have a quick fix from the 80s that will mend them in a jiffy: Check out more of …

Akk! The belt loops on my fave pair of jeans gave up & ripped! Luckily I have a quick fix from the 80s that will mend them in a jiffy: Check out more of …
I thrifted a pair of amazing vintage winter boots in the summer but tragedy struck the first time I wore them in the winter! Let’s find out if Shoe Goo will really work to repair …
Muumuu (noun) 1. a long, loose fitting dress, usually brightly coloured and patterned, traditionally worn by Hawaiian women. 2. an oversized housedress. First recorded in 1920-25, the term muumuu is derived from the Hawaiian word …
Thrift and charity shops are bursting with frumpy blouses just begging to be refashioned. Luckily most people don’t see the amazing potential and blow right past those dowdy retro beauties: Check out just how easy …
Wanna help create a better world? Discover just how easy it is to get started with my top 6 sustainable lifestyle tips: