Snag that dowdy dress from the back of your closet & transform it into two wonderfully wearable pieces with my next webisode: Check out my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies …

Snag that dowdy dress from the back of your closet & transform it into two wonderfully wearable pieces with my next webisode: Check out my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies …
Make a summer shirt fit for all seasons with my easy fix for a sleeveless top: 2020 update: I’ve been slowly but surely redesigning all of my old video images and this shirt is …
Lately I’ve been seriously digging vintage sequins, the older the better, so when I saw this stunningly unique 1960’s top for sale online I snapped it up immediately: Unfortunately it arrived in somewhat worse condition …
That’s right my lovelies, I am now the proud producer of my very own series of diy refashionista webisodes! In addition to my regular crafty blog posts I’ll be sharing my adventures in upcycling with …
The final chapter of my little doily manual deals with those fancy oblong bits of tatting that once displayed Oma’s ceramic statuette collection: Onto The Delightful Doily: part three how-to:
The second leg of our doily journey takes us into (mini) table runner land – a place of rectangular shaped crocheted pretties that are superb for quick embellishments: Hop on in & let’s begin The …
Lovely lacy doilies are an integral part of any Refashionista’s arsenal. However, one must not simply stitch a doily to a shirt (or anything else) & pronounce it ready-to-wear as all you have then is …
The beauties on the bottom started out as a 99 cent pair of flip-flops and the funkadelic flippies on the top began life as a pair of –coughsputterchoke– €40 fitflops *my tush isn’t any tighter …
Here’s another groovy trick to cover up those pesky prints on kid’s clothes: Monster Camouflage – an easy logo covering refashion This funky technique works on just about anything! I like Barbapapa & enjoyed his hilarious …