I’m adding cozy sleeves to a jumpsuit that I made last year! Here’s my original DIY jumpsuit tutorial: Enroll in my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my groovy CoaR …

I’m adding cozy sleeves to a jumpsuit that I made last year! Here’s my original DIY jumpsuit tutorial: Enroll in my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my groovy CoaR …
Discover how to easily upsize that tight maxi dress + add sleeves to it with the leftover fabric! (I think I just created my 50th birthday dress!) Enroll in my E-courses right over here: and …
I’m refashioning a refashion that I wasn’t wearing into something that I used to wear in the early 2000s that’s apparently cool once again! Stick around for Troll Time with my fab new staff member …
Take a peek at just how easy it is to create a pair of perfect sleeves in minutes! Check out my 30 Days of Refashions index right here then enroll in my E-courses right over …
I have a fabulous use for those too tight trousers: Upcycle them into very easy DIY sleeves and create groovy new garments out of that sleeveless gear with my simple video tutorial!
Extend the life of your kiddo’s prized frock (or your own) and create a truly unique wardrobe fave with my simple how to DIY a bodice and upsize a dress tutorial: Discover just how easy it …
I discovered a marvelous wool blend dress at the flea market and crossed my fingers that the slim-looking bodice would be wide enough to accommodate my generous chest. No such luck! Thankfully, after more than few …
I was lucky enough to thrift a fabulous velvet & wool dress in my Scottish clan tartan when I lived in London & then it sat packed away in 2 different countries until fate had me inherit …