Check out what I scored at the thrift shop + help me decide how to refashion it too! Check out my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my …

Check out what I scored at the thrift shop + help me decide how to refashion it too! Check out my E-courses right over here: and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my …
Have you joined my groovy Gone Thrifting group yet? Gone Thrifting is the place to spread the second hand love, share projects, ideas, thrifty style inspiration + swap fab ecofashion too! Check out my Gone …
Have you stopped shopping new and embraced creating your own unique style from preloved gear? Giving up buying brand new wardrobe and decor items is not at all difficult and I’m constantly surprised when others …
As everyone has their own ideas about what makes a perfect thrift score I thought it would be interesting to ask my fellow thrifty divas what exactly they look for when hunting for secondhand treasures: …
As my groovy gone thrifting group is full of awesome sustainable stylistas I thought I’d start a fab new query series and share the inspiring thoughts of my fellow thrifty divas (+ mine as well). Take …
The crisp scent of the coming snow is in the air which means it’s time to dig out those cozy knits but what to do with those snuggly bits that don’t fit or you’re simply not …
When I decided to return to Canada after over 2 decades living abroad I had no idea how challenging the reverse culture shock would be or how problematic, lengthy and bizarre the never-ending bureaucratic process of getting …
Soft and snuggly style is one of the best parts of this frosty Canadian season and I’m looking forward to seeing what the weather has in store for my first winter back in Canada after …
Fall has finally arrived bringing with it a bone chilling breeze that somehow manages to sneak through every piece of clothing I layer on in an effort to stay warm. I’m thinking the brisk wind will gradually transform into an absolutely …
I had a bit of a hard time deciding just what I wanted to share for this week’s thriftastic theme. Luckily the decision was made for me when I glanced at the collection of bags …