My Thrifty Christmas Wish for #ThriftyThursday

The festive holiday season is definitely the time for thinking of others, making a conscious effort to brighten up our own lives and make as many positive plans as possible for the coming new year. Take a …

’tis the season for (un)ethical fashion

The season of the consumer is in full swing which means unethical fast fashion brands are throwing too good to be true steals and deals at those wanting shiny new gear for holiday parties, “must-have” …

If Unethical Clothing Tags Were Honest

The Canadian Fair Trade Network (CFTN) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance awareness and support for fair trade in Canada. The CFTN recently commissioned creative agency ReThink Canada with the task of …

The Devil’s Advocate of Unethical Fashion

I’ve been receiving a huge variety of comments, messages and e-mails on my (un)ethical fashion posts and as loads of the less than complimentary responses contain the same basic theme I thought it might be wise to tackle it …

Is thrifting really ethical?

With the wealth of information and resources readily available online combined with frequent media reports about unethically produced fashion there is absolutely zero excuse to continue supporting ridiculously cheap brands and yet these unethical companies continue …

Why do celebs support unethical fast fashion?

Do you think Katy Perry was paid less than a living wage to pose for these ‪fast fashion‬ ads? How the hell do people think a sequin embellished t-shirt can possibly be sold for 9.99 or …

The Clean Clothes Campaign

Are you curious about the people who make your clothes? Do you want to learn if your favourite brands follow ethical production procedures? The Clean Clothes Campaign is an alliance of organisations in 16 European countries dedicated to improving …

The Fair Wear Foundation

Hooray! You’ve decided to step away from unethically produced fashion and shop for brands that have a proven track record of fair labour and production practices. Unfortunately major fast fashion labels have massive PR machines working to convince the public …

Fast Fashion: an excessively expendable evil

I was once like millions of other bargain hunters. A thrift & charity shop lover who was also on the lookout for the best deals at the mall. Proudly snagging that fast fashion dress on sale for …