Sort through your scrappy leftovers & combine them to create fantastic new to you clothes! This one ended up being an upsize too: Upsize a maxi dress: and combine 2 less than stellar sweaters too: …

Sort through your scrappy leftovers & combine them to create fantastic new to you clothes! This one ended up being an upsize too: Upsize a maxi dress: and combine 2 less than stellar sweaters too: …
When I’m feeling under the weather there’s nothing that I like better than snuggling up in my cozy DIY flannel shirt dress refashion and lounging in bed with a cup of tea and a good book …
Remember that cozy flannel cowl shirt I re-created for my first Thrifty Copycat Post? Well my lovelies here’s the promised tutorial:
Every Thursday I shall be posting a groovy thrifted/handmade ensemble to (hopefully) help inspire more people to realize that buying new is simply not necessary to achieve fabulous style! This week’s outfit is inspired by …