I always receive a huge variety of comments, messages and e-mails on my (un)ethical fashion posts and as loads of the less than complimentary responses contain the same basic theme I thought it might be …

I always receive a huge variety of comments, messages and e-mails on my (un)ethical fashion posts and as loads of the less than complimentary responses contain the same basic theme I thought it might be …
Reusing, upcycling, refashioning and shopping second hand are fabulously economical alternatives for creating your own unique, trendy style without supporting the corrupt companies behind unethically produced fashion but is thrifting itself really ethical? Discover my …
Do you ever lose items in your house? I thought I had lost my mind for the past few weeks as the top I had thrifted to refashion this holiday season had mysteriously disappeared! Whip …
Happy New Year & welcome to the first episode of Refashionista Chat live! Tune in Tuesdays at noon EST on facebook for more fab sustainable lifestyle tips & tricks + tons of quirky refashionista goodness …
The Fair Wear Foundation is just one of the independent, non-profit organisations that works with companies and factories to improve labour conditions for garment workers. Unfortunately there’s no such thing as 100% ethically produced clothing but the Fair Wear …
Although there are initiatives in Myanmar to improve working conditions, wages are among the lowest in the world. But just what is an average garment worker wage? Meet Thet Thet Zon, she has been working …
Trying to buy new, ethically and sustainably produced gear that won’t drain your bank account is a definite challenge. My first choice for ethical eco-friendly shopping is, of course, to buy from thrift and charity …
Do you think Katy Perry was paid less than a living wage to pose for these fast fashion ads? How the hell do people think a sequin embellished t-shirt can possibly be sold for 9.99 or …
Hooray! You’ve decided to step away from unethically produced fashion and shop for brands that have a proven track record of fair labour and production practices. Unfortunately major fast fashion labels have massive PR machines working to convince the public …