It’s easy to transform a thrifted oversized button down shirt into an adorable dress in minutes with my quick step by step tutorial! Find my original shirt dress tutorial here and the DIY cuff …

It’s easy to transform a thrifted oversized button down shirt into an adorable dress in minutes with my quick step by step tutorial! Find my original shirt dress tutorial here and the DIY cuff …
After over 2 decades living abroad I relocated back to Canada on July 1st/2016. We had just arrived so Canada Day celebrations were the furthest thing from my exhausted, stressed out mind however as this …
One of my most beloved refashions is this most excellent DIY shirt dress from last May: So when it was time to decide just what the heck I should wear for my “video portrait” tv interview I …
I’ve been hankering to create a lurvly loose shirt dress for a while but could never find the right refashioning victim – until I inherited a bunch of stuff from my Great Uncle’s wardrobe: Silky, …