Lovely lacy doilies are an integral part of any Refashionista’s arsenal. However, one must not simply stitch a doily to a shirt (or anything else) & pronounce it ready-to-wear as all you have then is …

Lovely lacy doilies are an integral part of any Refashionista’s arsenal. However, one must not simply stitch a doily to a shirt (or anything else) & pronounce it ready-to-wear as all you have then is …
Anyone who’s ever reconstructed a garment knows the importance of hoarding stockpiling squirreling away neatly storing the excess bits & pieces for possible future use – even if those around you think you’re completely nuts …
A bit of patience & a steady hand are all that are needed to transform gaudy to groovy: Wanna see what this bit awesomeness started out as?
Remember those necktie wristlets I made? Well, they’re so quick & easy that creating them became a bit addicting: I think there’s a more than a few gals I know who’ll be receiving a wristlet …
Mass produced prints are one of my biggest pet peeves. Slapping on a zero-imagination print (or worse, a logo) is sure fire way to ruin even the most froufroushishi garment, amiright? Unfortunately munchkin-gear manufacturers seem …
The beauties on the bottom started out as a 99 cent pair of flip-flops and the funkadelic flippies on the top began life as a pair of –coughsputterchoke– €40 fitflops *my tush isn’t any tighter …
Whip up a totally sweet ensemble for your little chick with these Easy DIY Bunny Ears & Upcycled Easter Top Tutorials! After the adorably successful recreation of these fantastically adorable baby bunny ears from Holloughby: I just …
Our little elf has been invited to a lot of Christmas parties and although we’re allowed to tag along as well, she’s definitely the one people really want to see. Like all fashion icons, she …