Discover exactly how I switch from my Fall/Winter wardrobe to Spring/Summer, what to do with unwanted items, how I pack/store my seasonal wardrobe + share a whole heap of tips & tricks too! Find …

Discover exactly how I switch from my Fall/Winter wardrobe to Spring/Summer, what to do with unwanted items, how I pack/store my seasonal wardrobe + share a whole heap of tips & tricks too! Find …
Frau Ingebörg thinks you need Refashioning 101 in your life! Have a giggle at my quick and quirky video, grab all of the book details and download your copy below!
Find out more about me in my attempt at a video presentation to try to share my sustainable lifestyle tips & refashionista tutes on local TV shows. Who is Confessions of a Refashionista & why …
Who doesn’t love getting new clothes? Imagine if you could refresh your wardrobe for free whenever you wanted to! Sound to good to be true? It’s not a weird sales pitch or annoying scheme but …