What thoughts cross your mind when you see someone in your field enjoying what appears to be effortless success? They got a lucky break? Have the “right” connections? Know influential people? I can …

What thoughts cross your mind when you see someone in your field enjoying what appears to be effortless success? They got a lucky break? Have the “right” connections? Know influential people? I can …
Starting a new blog is like being interviewed for a job – but instead of having to answer a few questions from a potential employer, new bloggers must create attractive and unique content to impress the internet …
As my Behind the Scenes of Blogging series is proving to be pretty darn popular I thought it was time to provide a perspective (or five) different from my own so I asked a few of …
The groovy companion to my Blogging: Replying to Comments post: Hooray! You’ve just published an awesome blog post that you’re incredibly proud of! Whoohoo! The post is receiving loads of views and tons of shares! Unfortunately …
THE GROOVY COMPANION TO MY BLOGGING: LEAVING COMMENTS POST: Yay! You’ve just read an interesting post and want to let the blogger know that you thought it was awesome or perhaps you’d like a bit more info …
Organizational skills are a full-time blogger’s best friend. Juggling what to create, where to shoot, how to edit & write and when to post each groovy article is definitely a challenge that requires more than a …
Our attention spans are getting shorter. An unfortunate phenomenon of modern technology and internet society that apparently means we have a maximum of about 10 seconds to grab the attention of people browsing online before …