My fab floral jacket turned out so well I just had to create a bag too! Fancy up a less than stellar preloved purse with my No Sew DIY Flower Bag + Strap Fix Too!

My fab floral jacket turned out so well I just had to create a bag too! Fancy up a less than stellar preloved purse with my No Sew DIY Flower Bag + Strap Fix Too!
I’m still managing to keep my promise of not thrifting any more new-to-me bags until the ones I brought along in my stash from Germany are refashioned – completely avoiding the groovy bag section at …
I’m slowly but surely upcycling my stash of pretty vintage handkerchiefs and have so far created a fab floaty maxiskirt, some delightful decor and a fancy schmancy tote bag: The tote is awesome but is a …
Santa left me an almost perfect prezzie under the tree… a butter soft vintage handbag large enough to tote my necessities about! Unfortunately it was missing the shoulder strap… Fortunately this DIY diva came up with lickety …