I refashioned an old refashion & created a “Frankenshirt” but I’m really not sure about this one so kindly let me know your thoughts: Shop my closet here! Here’s how I easily distress my denim: …

I refashioned an old refashion & created a “Frankenshirt” but I’m really not sure about this one so kindly let me know your thoughts: Shop my closet here! Here’s how I easily distress my denim: …
Watch how I easily transform a $1 thrifted baby blanket into an awesome Gen X dress (inspired by the 90’s film Reality Bites)! No pattern or fancy skills required! Grab the shirt tutorial below …
Since growing my hair long a decade ago I’ve been told I resemble Phoebe Buffay and I frequently receive online comments and messages saying how much I look and act like the famous Friends’ …
Pretty much anyone who was in their twenties in the ’90s found a relatable character in Singles. I strongly identified with Janet, amazingly portrayed by Bridget Fonda, and often used her fictional journey to self-confidence …
Anyone who remembers the 90s will have bopped around to this earworm song at least once: Whether you love or hate it, Friends is a 90’s phenomenon that created memorable characters and iconic fashion …
I’ve once again dug through my history of hilarious photo shoots and attempted to recreate young Sheri’s style for a blast from the past #ThriftyThursday: Believe it or not that 19 year on the left …
I was totally stumped about what I should feature for my thrifty choice, until I remembered how much everyone seems to dig my copycat photos AND how much I dig my vintage slips AND that I …
Menswear for gals never seems to go out of style. A statement completely confirmed by both 90s and present-day me: Yeah, yeah, yeah I did indeed smoke in my 20’s but thankfully woke up and …
R i n g a d i n g d i n g ! I’m all about thrifted & handmade accessories to compliment my thrifty refashioned outfits…and when I can combine it all to recreate and share …
I discovered a box of groovy photos from days gone by & as inspiration can be found just about anywhere: Wheee! I recreated that rad shoulder-free blouse! – with a few updates befitting my older self – Here’s my DIY 90s …