My Grandma’s kitchen always smelled wonderful. Freshly baked bread, hearty soups, roasted meats, cakes, muffins and cookies – there was always something on the go. One of the best aromas to ever come from the …
Bulky diaper boxes to funky storage: an upcycling tutorial
Since our little stinker now fits into size 3 diapers we’ve finally been able to buy them in bulk cartons of 92 & 100 (instead of trying to cart home 4 separate packages of 28 …
Make baby’s pants comfy – a DIY waistband tutorial
Why do baby pants always have such tight elastic waists? Any pants within my girlie’s size radius leave nasty red marks on her tummy (even the ones that are sized 2 – 3 months larger!). …
Leftovers Stew – a no waste recipe
Don’t let your leftovers go to waste! Transform them into a yummy meal in minutes with my simple food scrap idea:
Grandma’s Pancakes
My Grandma & my Mother (the oldest of 11 kids!) in 1950 Pancakes were always traditional in my family. Every Christmas, when the entire clan would gather, the breakfast table would be quivering under towering …
Hiding from evacuation police – or – WW2 Bomb found 2 blocks away
In the early morning of July 7 we were blearily completing our morning routine (change/feed baby, make coffee, take dog for potty, get bakery croissants, check e-mails…). As we sat down at our respective computers …
Why road signs exist…
Awhile ago we had nasty road construction for a week (they re-did the tram tracks) and it was non-stop noisy and smelly, just when we thought we couldn’t take any more jackhammering it suddenly stopped …
DIY Doggie Leisure Pants – healing help for quirky canines
Honestly now, how many dogs would let their owners not only MAKE them funky leisure pants, complete with a groovy white belt but actually WEAR said pants AND – as an additional bonus – the …