After 5 years of loyal service the dude’s laptop has gone to the Great Gig(abyte) in the Sky…and just what does that have to do with thrifty man makes? Well, as the guy cannot function without a …
A Simple German Waffles Recipe
In Germany it’s traditional to give the kiddos a Zuckertüte – sugarbag (nowadays called a Schultüte – schoolbag) on the first day of school. It’s simply a colourful cardboard cone filled with sweets, trinkets and …
(itsy) Bitsy Books: DIY upcycled mini book pendants
Our local charity shop has a take-it-or-it-goes-in-the-rubbish box just inside the front door. I usually avoid digging through it because if the charity shop thinks something belongs in the bin, it probably does. However, on …
The Patchwork Rainy Day Cap
We’ve been having one of the grossest summers ever. That has been our daily view at noon. 30°C + thunder storms = hot, humid, muggy ew = frizzy, huge hair for me – blech The …
Yaya’s Real Greek Moussaka Recipe
I lived on a tiny island in Greece for 5 years – this was my backyard: In addition to my phenomenal view I also had an amazing adopted Yaya (grandma) who was constantly stuffing me …
Scrapbusting necktie tutorials
Remember those necktie wristlets I made? Well, they’re so quick & easy that creating them became a bit addicting: I think there’s a more than a few gals I know who’ll be receiving a wristlet …
family jewels – DIY wire wrapped pendants
I love the look of wire wrapped pendants but the prices for these bead-y baubles had me wondering if I might be able to create my own. Success? I think so. Cheap? Oh, most definitely. …
Purposeful Patchwork – a DIY print cover-up
Mass produced prints are one of my biggest pet peeves. Slapping on a zero-imagination print (or worse, a logo) is sure fire way to ruin even the most froufroushishi garment, amiright? Unfortunately munchkin-gear manufacturers seem …
Creepy Caricatures: a DIY 3D papier mache portrait tutorial
I’ve been creating eerily fun 3D portraits for years as über personalized gifts for ecstatic-to-receive-them-friends but for whatever reason never thought to make any of my own peeps – until now: Obviously not exact likenesses …
Rockin’ Vintage Necktie Wristlets
Check out my all new & improved Vintage Necktie Wristlet Tutorial in my fancy schmancy Confessions of a Refashionista: Life on the Zig Zag e-book! Create your own Rockin’ Vintage Necktie Wristlets below: