Here’s a super quick fix for that never-worn-but-sadly-outgrown munchkin gear: How to upsize and refashion a dress with side panels:

Here’s a super quick fix for that never-worn-but-sadly-outgrown munchkin gear: How to upsize and refashion a dress with side panels:
As Grandma always said: “Waste not, want not…” Recognize what I used to whip up this adorable little set? Grab some refashionista leftovers and create a refashioned and upsized no waste kiddo outfit:
How dost thee mend the breeches of the fruit of thine womb whence they canst be worn no more? With mine cunning wit thou may createst new from old. Tarry naught! I bequeath thee mine …
My little darling has a long torso & outgrows onesies at an alarming rate. They still fit easily over her head but are too short to snap closed at the bottom. I came up with …
Why do baby pants always have such tight elastic waists? Any pants within my girlie’s size radius leave nasty red marks on her tummy (even the ones that are sized 2 – 3 months larger!). …