I spied this lurvly solid wood bench in a second hand shop window: I immediately pulled over for a closer look & discovered 4 things: it was once the end part of a bigger piece (there …

I spied this lurvly solid wood bench in a second hand shop window: I immediately pulled over for a closer look & discovered 4 things: it was once the end part of a bigger piece (there …
Our fancy new fire engine red sofa was in desperate need of some end table friends so I put on my thinking cap and headed down into our spooky basement storage room for a rummage …
Can you guess what I upcyled to create that über fancy munchkin tent? I guarantee you’ll be able to make your own easy peasy DIY tot teepee in less than hour with an item lurking at …
Can you guess the quick and totally necessary hack I did during lunch? Give up?
Yipee! Our classified-stalking has paid off again! We scored a fabulous 1960’s dinette set for a mere €10! Boo! The chair fabric was itchy carpeting & had a definite vintage-reek to it and the table …
I love old wooden furniture and am a professional online classifieds lurker. I’ve scored some amazing deals: my ginormous early 1900’s wardrobe & matching vanity (€80), the gorgeous rocking chair that helped send my munchkin …
This stained, chipped & just plain grotty commode was the first piece of furniture the dude bought –used, for a scant 5 Deutschmarks– when he flew the family nest 20 years ago. It’s lived in university …