My DIY Upcycled Vintage Bedroom in Berlin

Ahhh, the bedroom, a haven to cozy up in at the end of long day and read a good book before drifting off to dreamland: Pffffft! Just check out that before picture! This tiny, oddly slanted …

my DIY upcycled ladder climbing frame + trapeze

I am totally on a roll with my DIY outdoor munchkin toy challenges and have already successfully created an awesome playhouse and superb sandbox by upcycling wooden bits I had stored in attic. The kiddo was desperate …

My DIY Adjustable Easel

I’m not at all an artist but occasionally I do like to dabble with a bit of paint on canvas. As trying to create a masterpiece bent over a flat surface is pretty darn uncomfortable …

My Quirky DIY Kitchen in Berlin

The next stop on my humble abode tour is the heart of every home: My upcycled, vintage, handmade kitchen! Let’s take a closer look + discover just how well some of my past decor DIYs have …

A Charming Chair DIY

A very quick & painless transformation for a couple of old folding chairs and cushions: Here’s what I did to create a charming chair DIY:

There’s nothing like a fresh coat of paint…

If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a gazillion times: I LOVE PAINT! Sure, there’s a bit of sandpaper & elbow grease involved and waiting for it to dry between coats is maddening but …

Sad no more! (a DIY solution for oily wood)

I spied this lurvly solid wood bench in a second hand shop window: I immediately pulled over for a closer look & discovered 4 things: it was once the end part of a bigger piece (there …