I started making my own toothpaste shortly after returning to North America and discovering that not only do most brands here contain a crazy amount of unnecessary chemical ingredients but also that the tubes are …

I started making my own toothpaste shortly after returning to North America and discovering that not only do most brands here contain a crazy amount of unnecessary chemical ingredients but also that the tubes are …
I’ve been sharing my trials and tribulations with rosacea and all of the lotions, potions and treatments I’ve tried for awhile now and I thought it was time to share my fave sensitive skin & rosacea beauty …
Repairing items that break and mending garments that need it instead of buying new are very eco-friendly but did you know you can also salvage that shattered make up and use every last bit of …
I’d been hankering to try buffing up my pearly whites with activated charcoal for wee while so when Carbon Coco offered to send me their ultimate carbon kit I happily accepted and gave it go! …
The season of sniffles has definitely arrived bringing with it a crazy amount of tissue waste. As my kiddo seemed to be on a mission to empty every box as quickly as possible I knew …
Popping on some lipstick always makes me feel ready to face the world but I don’t always have the time (or will) to go through all of the steps required to create my perfect pout …
I clearly remember falling for the slick advertising and beautifying promises of liquid body wash in the late 80s and am embarrassed to admit that I continued using those colourful bottles of over-perfumed chemicals for …
As I have incredibly sensitive skin and rosacea I am constantly on the lookout for lotions, potions and products that won’t cause breakouts or dryness. One of my greatest gentle skincare discoveries is a little …
Rosacea is the worst and attempting to discover what works to alleviate those pesky pustules and burning rosy cheeks is a nightmare of trial and error experiments. I’m constantly on the hunt for lotions, potions and …
After trying loads of different rosacea skincare products (and being sorely disappointed with most of them) I’ve finally discovered a combination of very reasonably priced over the counter products that actually calm my facial redness and …