My gone thrifting group is full of awesome preloved style divas who have helped me create a community where we spread the sustainable lifestyle love as well as share projects, ideas, thrifty style and upcycling …

My gone thrifting group is full of awesome preloved style divas who have helped me create a community where we spread the sustainable lifestyle love as well as share projects, ideas, thrifty style and upcycling …
Why the heck do so many people continue to think that the laundered clothing donated to thrift and charity shops is somehow dirtier and less hygienic that a “new” garment that has travelled through many …
Take a peek at the worldwide journey of how a t-shirt gets made + discover what’s behind those stinky odours lurking in secondhand & brand new garments too! Click below for my cleaning & …
Frau Ingebörg thinks you need Refashioning 101 in your life! Have a giggle at my quick and quirky video, grab all of the book details and download your copy below!
We all know that the global fashion industry produces an absolutely insane amount of harmful carbon emissions but do you ever wonder how much your own wardrobe habits are contributing to climate change? Discover just …
I recently gave a presentation about the awesomeness of sustainable secondhand fashion and, during the Q&A, was shocked to hear that not only do people bypass preloved garments because they (falsely) believe them to be …
Preloved Chica and Confessions of a Refashionista are two sustainable style peas in a pod! Have a listen to my quick appearance on Elene’s awesome Time Capsule Show on ICRFM Ipswich and find out my …
I’ve heard so many silly and just plain illogical reasons from anti-thrifters for NOT shopping secondhand that I thought a wee bit of an educational video was in order. Meet my amusing cast of characters and …
Don’t you just love it when you discover a kindred sustainable style spirit online? I was thrilled to find another fab fellow preloved diva on instagram and absolutely over the moon when she suggested a …
Unfortunately loads of consumers choose to believe and spread completely ridiculous myths about secondhand which means that thrift and charity shops simply cannot keep up with the tons of daily donations and landfills are sadly …