Denim material has been around since the 1500’s but it wasn’t until Bavarian born Levi Strauss made the first pair of blue jeans in 1873 that this fabulous fabric became a wardrobe staple… Every generation …

Denim material has been around since the 1500’s but it wasn’t until Bavarian born Levi Strauss made the first pair of blue jeans in 1873 that this fabulous fabric became a wardrobe staple… Every generation …
I’ve always loved goth style (+ the music that goes along with it) & although I’ve yet to have had the pleasure of going full Victorian Gothic I did dabble in a bit of Siouxsie and …
I discovered a box of groovy photos from days gone by & as inspiration can be found just about anywhere: Wheee! I recreated that rad shoulder-free blouse! – with a few updates befitting my older self – Here’s my DIY 90s …
The year was 1987 and I was a lass of 14 when I first saw the film that would time & again help me through the cruelty of high school. Pretty in Pink (as …
The instant I discovered this week’s thrifty Thursday theme I knew exactly what to wear: Film character inspired? I just had to bust out my groovtastic District 12 Cowl! *handmade just for me by the …
Every Thursday I shall be posting a groovy thrifted/handmade ensemble to (hopefully) help inspire more people to realize that buying new is simply not necessary to achieve fabulous style! This week’s outfit is inspired by …
Check out how I re-created my adorable 4th birthday top to wear in the groovy re-created 4(0)th birthday photo: Upcycle one for yourself with the 4 to 40 Top – a copycat DIY peter pan …
I’m now definitely old enough to witness the 20 year trend cycle in action & constantly wonder why designers have no problem recycling style ideas but can’t seem to get their heads around reusing, upcycling …