The easy upcycled necktie phone case

I’m a vintage necktie hoarder, but not just the ties, I’ve also amassed quite a collection of necktie ends from my compulsive wristlet making. Thankfully I’ve figured out yet another use for those leftover bits of retro excellence: …

The 10 minute diy camera strap

Meet my early birthday present to myself: Isn’t it dreamy? A glorious new bridge camera that will (hopefully) help me take kick-arsch photos for this humble blog & my continuing Confessions of a Refashionista series. …

Thriftilicious Man Makes

After 5 years of loyal service the dude’s laptop has gone to the Great Gig(abyte) in the Sky…and just what does that have to do with thrifty man makes? Well, as the guy cannot function without a …

(itsy) Bitsy Books: DIY upcycled mini book pendants

Our local charity shop has a take-it-or-it-goes-in-the-rubbish box just inside the front door. I usually avoid digging through it because if the charity shop thinks something belongs in the bin, it probably does. However, on …

DIY kissing Clothespin Sweethearts

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching I’ve been wracking my thrifty brain for a final sweet n’ simple DIY prezzie to make. A peek in my refashionista stash + a bit of imagination led me to …