My thrifty DIY ketchup and fries shirt refashion

It’s no secret that I think That Cheap Bitch has a fabulous attitude about personal style & fashion and when I saw her latest snazzy acquisitions I instantly began coveting them. Unfortunately the price tag and (potentially) …

A My Choice #ThriftyThursday

I was totally stumped about what I should feature for my thrifty choice, until I remembered how much everyone seems to dig my copycat photos AND how much I dig my vintage slips AND that I …

A Menswear #ThriftyThursday

Menswear for gals never seems to go out of style. A statement completely confirmed by both 90s and present-day me: Yeah, yeah, yeah I did indeed smoke in my 20’s but thankfully woke up and …

A Copycat Thrifty Thursday

It’s awesome to revisit old photos and absolutely hilarious to recreate looks from your fashion past (+ marvel at how quickly those styles return!) Take a peek at some of my fave copycat looks for this Thrifty …

My DIY Copycat Wrap Skirt

I’ve once again had some blast from the past inspiration from my younger self and recreated the fabulous wrap skirt seen on 90’s moi: it’s always hilarious to look back on the oh-so-cool-young-me Here’s how to make …

A Dr. Who Thrifty Celeb Copycat

Long ago in the faraway time of the 80’s I was a latchkey kid who spent too many after school hours parked in front of the TV. One of my absolute fave shows to do …

thrifty copycat: Rot Kariert (Red Plaid)

I scored an awesome 1980’s silky red blouse for a mere 50¢ last week at the charity shop but was at a bit of loss for how to style it…until I spied Nina’s groovy Rot …

An Awesome Accessories Thrifty Thursday

R i n g a d i n g d i n g ! I’m all about thrifted & handmade accessories to compliment my thrifty refashioned outfits…and when I can combine it all to recreate and share …

thrifty copycat: a dramatic breakup with pants

Frugal fashion infatuation has struck again and so it’s time for another Thrifty Copycat! This week’s victim inspiring vixen is none other than Emmy, the outspoken fashionista behind That Cheap Bitch, and her absolutely unique styling …

thrifty copycat: gingham stories

It’s no secret that I’m not much of a fashion-trend-follower & prefer to revel in my own quirky style… BUT I do have a soft spot for unique thrifty outfits so when I saw Ariane’s gingham & floral ensemble …