Natural 3 ingredient DIY Fabric Softener

Soft, fluffy, fresh smelling laundry can easily be achieved without resorting to those expensive chemically toxic fabric softener brands at the supermarket: Skip those unhealthy, environmentally damaging laundry brands and create your own personalized products …

4 fab reasons to switch back to bar soap

I clearly remember falling for the slick advertising and beautifying promises of liquid body wash in the late 80s and am embarrassed to admit that I continued using those colourful bottles of over-perfumed chemicals for …

3 Amazing Coconut Oil Beauty Uses

As I have incredibly sensitive skin and rosacea I am constantly on the lookout for lotions, potions and products that won’t cause breakouts or dryness. One of my greatest gentle skincare discoveries is a little …

5 clever ways to upcycle bathpuffs

Love using bathpuffs but hate the thought of tossing them in recycling bin? Grab my 5 clever ways to upcycle bathpuffs and give those fluffy shower poufs a new life once their duty is done in …

How to feel eco-friendly fresh everyday!

Let my amusing cast of characters introduce you to this refashionista’s fave new environmentally-friendly product! Fanny Clean is the fantastically portable answer to how to feel eco-friendly fresh everyday!

Delightful DIY Dryer Sheets

As dryers aren’t nearly as popular in other parts of the world as they are in North America I hadn’t given a thought to dryer sheets until I returned to Canada after living abroad for …

How to Easily Refashion Clothing with Dye

Discover how to easily refashion & update your wardrobe without any snipping or sewing + my top dye tips! Find out How to Easily Refashion Clothing with Dye + my handy tips and tricks for transforming …

July Refashion Challenge: Sustainable Summer Tips

Thinking of starting your sustainable lifestyle journey? The  bright warm days of summer make it easy to start new routines and change your habits! Take part in my July Refashion Challenge: Sustainable Summer Tips and …

6 simple ways to be an ethical consumer

Do you struggle to create a wardrobe of ethically (& sustainably) produced fashion and accessories? Are your closet and drawers overflowing with items you never wear? With an alarming 85% of all textile waste ending up in landfills it’s …

December Refashion Challenge: Thrifted DIY Gifts

Are you a nifty thrifty DIY gifter? With all of the informative articles, facts and stats about sustainability and unethically produced products readily available online it should be easy to stop consuming and start re-using, refashioning, DIY-ing …