The First Wardrobe Refashionista Order

You may recall that a while ago I offered to be your personal eco-fashion stylist and create a fabulous new wardrobe just for you at fast fashion prices: Well my lovelies I’m pleased to share my first sustainable …

Why Not Thrift?

I’ve heard so many silly and just plain illogical reasons from anti-thrifters for NOT shopping secondhand that I thought a wee bit of an educational video was in order. Meet my amusing cast of characters and …

The €2 T-shirt Experiment

Fashion Revolution (the organization that dares you to ask yourself “Who made my clothes?“) created a fantastic social experiment. Watch the video below and have a think about the people behind that fast fashion bargain the next time you’re …

John Oliver’s True Cost of Fast fashion

John Oliver is freaking brilliant. Disclaimer: I am not at all an expert on the big business of fast fashion however I am a concerned consumer who has chosen to learn & share as much …

A Tale of Toxic Clothing Monsters

The latest report by Greenpeace East Asia revealed the presence of hazardous chemicals in clothing items bought from 12 global labels, from fast fashion giants to famous sportswear and even brands specifically created for kids. Have a …

Unraveled: What happens to your discarded clothes?

Where do you think our donated and discarded clothing ends up? With Unravel, Meghna Gupta created an amazing film that follows literally tons of the tossed garments of the West on an overseas journey to India …

Sustainable Style Stats

I was recently asked to collaborate with the team behind Fashion Revolution Day and was given an info pack containing loads of interesting statistics & information about the garment industry that I simply had to share! Discover …

The Clean Clothes Campaign

Are you curious about the people who make your clothes? Do you want to learn if your favourite brands follow ethical production procedures? The Clean Clothes Campaign is an alliance of organisations in 16 European countries dedicated to improving …

The Fair Wear Foundation

Hooray! You’ve decided to step away from unethically produced fashion and shop for brands that have a proven track record of fair labour and production practices. Unfortunately major fast fashion labels have massive PR machines working to convince the public …

Fast Fashion: an excessively expendable evil

I was once like millions of other bargain hunters. A thrift & charity shop lover who was also on the lookout for the best deals at the mall. Proudly snagging that fast fashion dress on sale for …